zondag 15 november 2009

Testing two new canisterlamps ATON & DutchDivinglights

Friday the 13th in a dutch lake, the place for some Canister light testing.

Blue Marlin diving and Scubasupport organised a testsession for the ATON canister light.

We (Rik and Barend) tested the ATON 10 Watt LED and the DutchDiving Light 21 watt LED Canister lights. We compared it with our own Scubasupport 18watt HID and Dutchdiving Light 24watt HID lighting system.

This test is not a structured test but an "as is" test to give a impression about the output of the two lighting systems based on LED.

We did not evaluate the construction, materials and details of these lighting systems; only the output under water.

Thanks Andreas, Eddy and Ron for borrowing the canister lights.

It was great fun testing these devices and the hot chocolate from Andreas and Eddy was welcome.

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